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Helping YOU Support Non-Profits and Charities in Southern California.
Sponsor Packages, Ad Sizes, & Pricing
Our Ad Sizes offer your the flexibility to choose what works best for your company, while still receiving the best exposure possible to our audience!
One of the benefits of purchasing a package instead of just a single ad is that your ad can be on multiple pages of the Bingo Program - so that no matter what page the players are looking at, they will see your ad too!

Pricing for Single Ads
In addition to the print ads - we also offer online Business Spotlights and an online Business Directory!
The online directory is complimentary with your purchase of a print ad and is listed under each Bingo venue.
Business Spotlights are $25/month and include an online article about your business and a larger listing above the business directory for each Bingo venue you are a part of.

Advertising with BL Publishing just makes sense!

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